Essential Libraries For Science

A core part of programming is having a vague understanding of what exists out there in terms of functionality, tools, libraries, … You do not need to know how to do a task, but that this task is possible using this or that library. In this chapter, we provide a somewhat opiniated list of tools and libraries that you should know about when writing code for science. We will not teach how to use those libraries, as there are plenty of available resources for that. Instead, we only provide a short introduction of what those libraries do.

We have divided the list of libraries into 5 categories: (1) core libraries, ie libraries that you cannot code for science without; (2) libraries and tools you should not work without; (3) visualizationg and plotting libraries; (4) things that will help you speed up your code; (5) domain specific libraries.

Core libraries: numpy, scipy, pandas.

About 95% of scientific Python code starts with the following lines:

import numpy as np
from scipy import XXX
  • numpy’s core functionality is to provide an easy-to-use and efficient n-dimensional array data structure called ndarray. Any numerical analysis code in Python heavily relies on the ndarray data structure. The main difference with Python’s list is that arrays are almost always homogeneously typed (all elements of the array are of the same type). numpy also provides fast and easy operations such as sum, element-wise product, matrix product, indexing, slicing, broadcasting, … Note that we have a full chapter on how to use numpy (see [🚧 Numpy 🚧] for details)!

  • scipy is the core toolbox for scientific and technical computing for Python. It contains many submodules, some related to complex data structures (for sparse matrices for example) or operations on ndarray (linear algebra, fourier transforms, IO), others domain specific (signal processing, image processing, clustering). View scipy as the Swiss army knife of scientific computing in Python.

  • pandas is a software library for the manipulation of data frames (an object to store tabular data, as you might find in Excel or relational databases). This differs from NumPy arrays in being ‘column-oriented’: the values in each column have to be of the same type, but one row can contain many different types of objects.” Just as NumPy does for arrays, pandas provides fast and easy operations on dataframes, such as pivoting, merging, joining, data filtering, column-wise operations. We also have a full chapter on how to use pandas (see [🚧 Pandas 🚧] for details)!

“Things you cannot (or should not) work without”

  • A good text editor or an IDE (See [🚧 Editors And Ides 🚧] for details)!

  • ipython is a command shell for Python. Think python, but a hundred times better! It has syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and many magic functions (%debug, %run, etc) to ease the process of programming, data exploration, and debugging.

  • pdb, ipdb, pdb++, and pudb are four python debuggers. Knowing how to use a Python debugger is a must! If you don’t know how to use one, read [🚧 Debugging 🚧]) without further delay!

  • Whether you use an IDE or a text editor, configure it with a static linter to check your code as you write it. There are different options available. A widely used static linter is flake8: it combines three tools into one (pyflakes, pycodestyle, and mccabe). Another popular one is pylint.

Visualization libraries

  • Matplotlib is the most widely used visualization library in Python. While the API takes a while to get used to, there is nothing better to create high quality scientific figures for publication! Literally everything can be tweaked, tuned, and modified.

  • seaborn is a thin layer on top of Matplotlib: you get the flexibility of Matplotlib with an easy-to-use interface.

  • bokeh, plotly, and altair are three excellent choices of plotting libraries with interactive outputs. All of these play very well with notebooks, such as myst-nb or jupyter notebooks. Note that plotly can be used to create interactive tables as well. Because we can’t resist showing off cool features, here’s a small code snippet we shamelessly stole from the myst-nb documentation on creating an interactive table and plot.

Here’s an interactive table with plotly:

import as px
data =
sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width species species_id
0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 setosa 1
1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 setosa 1
2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 setosa 1
3 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 setosa 1
4 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 setosa 1

And now a small graph of the same data with Altair:

import altair as alt

Speed ups

Once you have a performing piece of code, it may come the time where you have to speed your code up. Keep in mind that “Premature optimization is the root of all evil,” so don’t look too closely at the list of packages in this section unless you are sure that (1) your code works; (2) you really need to speed things up.

  • The first step of speeding up your code is to profile it: no need to spend time optimizing the data analysis part if 90% of the time is spend on loading the data. In order to do this, profile your code! There are many profilers out there, but our favorite ones are line_profiler and kernprof. line_profiler allows to do line-by-line profiling of functions, while kernprof is a convenient script for running a line-profiler (either line_profiler or cProfile, which is part of Python standard library). If you are interested in profiling memory, we recommend memprofiler. We invite you to read [🚧 Profiling 🚧] if you are at this step of the speed-up process!

  • cython is a programming language. It is a superset of Python, which means that any valid Python is also valid Cython. However, it supports additional syntax that allows it to be closer to the C language. Cython thus sits between Python and C and serves two purposes: (1) easily interface Python code and C code; (2) a Python/Cython to C compiler. The goal of Cython is to give C-like performance with the ease of readability and flexibility of Python. See [🚧 Cython 🚧] for more details!

  • numba is a JIT compiler for Python, as well as a parallelization toolkit. It uses LLVM to generate machine code from Python code. Specifically designed for scientific purposes, it can yield 100x speed ups to a function by simply adding a decorator to it. We also give more details about using it in [🚧 Numba 🚧].

  • joblib provides a set of tools to create lightweight pipelining in Python. Precisely, it has three main features: (1) fast disk-caching capabilities; (2) embarassingly parallel helper functions; (3) and fast compressed persistence for large data. The power of this library comes from how lightweight it is and non-intrusive. You can use many of joblib’s feature with barely any changes to the original code.

  • dask is a very powerful, parallelization libraries for data analytics. It integrates very nicely with existing projects, such as numpy, pandas, and scikit-learn. We won’t go into much details here, as we once again have a full chapter on this library! See [🚧 Parallel Python 🚧] for more details.

Domain specific

The problem when it comes to domain specific libraries is that, well… They are domain specific. As a result, only specialists of each domain know which library to use when. Yet, unlike some communities (such as R), there are still widely used and maintained packages for some domain. For example, the go-to library to do astronomy data analysis in Python is astropy: none of us, authors, are astronomers, yet we know that it is the go-to library (but, please, don’t ask us more about astropy…).

Here, we provide a list of packages, with a small description, and sometimes a bit more detail about when to use which package.

  • statsmodel: if you need to do standard statistics in Python, and scipy.stats doesn’t cover it, there’s a good chance it can be done with statsmodel. It covers generalized least squares, quantile regression, linear mixed-effects model (no, you do not have to use R to do those!!).

  • scikit-learn is the go-to libary for machine learning that isn’t deep: SVM, regression models, random forests, cross-validation, and many metrics are included in this package. But if you need a p-value out of your model, you should check out statsmodels and not scikit-learn. If you want to do deep learning, then check out our next element in the list.

  • tensorflow is the go-to library for doing deep-learning & neural networks in Python.

  • scikit-image complements scipy.ndimage for image processing algorithms.

  • networkx is meant for network analysis in Python

  • biopython provides support for biological data analysis in Python (sequencing, alignment, population genetics algorithm, and structure bioinformatrics).1

  • astropy is, as mentioned, a toolbox for astronomy data analysis.


Unfortunately, if you are looking for a tool to do differential expression analysis, nothing much exists and the standard is still to use R and bioconductor…